Jeffrey Strauss

Jeffrey Strauss

1980 - 2010

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Obituary of Jeffrey Strauss

JEFFREY BRIAN STRAUSS OBITUARY Jeffrey Brian Strauss, Denver. Loving father, son, brother & friend. Jeff was a successful drummer & played the Denver area. Jeff's greatest accomplishment was his son Indus. Jeff is survived by his parents, Deborah and Richard, his brother Jordan, Sima, the mother of his son,grandmothers Trudy Strauss and Dora Nell Lewis, aunts, uncles & cousins. Graveside, Mt. Nebo Cemetery, 11701 E. 13th Ave. (13th & Peoria), Wed., Sept., 22, 2:00pm. Contributions to, Denver Dumb Friends League or Save the Music Foundation @ JEFFREY BRIAN STRAUSS BIOGRAPHY Jeffrey Brian and Jordan Lewis came in to the world a month early on October 19, 1980. Jeff arrived with a great struggle as he was born with respiratory distress. Jordan was born first at 12:19PM and Jeffrey followed at 12:21PM. Both boys were beautiful, perfect babies, at least in a mother's opinion. The boys have a beautiful older sister, Mai Yael. Jordan was big and healthy with no problems. Jeff was little and fragile, trying to survive. Opa, Al Strauss, stayed by Jeff's incubator day and night holding on to Jeff's little hand and talking to his grandson. Al only left Jeff's side when the NICU nurses made him leave. This is how Jeff began his life. Jeff and Jordan had their naming at the Strauss Home, hosted by their Oma and Opa. Jordan was given Yordan Lev and Jeff was given Yacov Baruch. As a baby and little boy Jeffy was a happy child. He had a toy bear he called Baby Bear and a toy seal he called Seal Hop. Baby Bear stayed at home but Seal Hop went with him everywhere. I still have Seal Hop and Baby Bear and most the seals he collected in his lifetime. He had a special way with live animals, as well, and brought several home for mom to feed but he made sure they were loved and attended to. His beloved dog, Nero, who he fondly called Hua or addressed him as "The Dag" was a rescue dog that Jeff loved very much. Jeff and Jordan spent every summer with their Granny, Grampa and Aunt Charlie (who called Jeff "Kissy Lips" because he would always run to give her kisses when she would visit). The boys learned how to farm, fish, hunt, sell vegetables and fruits, and how to love and respect G-d and their fellow man from Grampa. Granny made sure they always had nutritious, home cooked meals, but the all time favorite meals were Pan Fried Chicken and all the Southern trimmings and Granny's real homemade spaghetti sauce with pasta. Granny made sure Jeff got his favorite breakfast, waffles and eggs, when he came home on our last visit, September 2010. It was all mixed with lots of love and laughter. At the end of each summer Jeff would begin his school year and attended Temple Sinai Pre School, Havern School, Sinclair Middle School, and Englewood High School. He graduated from The Los Angeles Music Academy and attended Metropolitan College for a few semesters. Holidays, birthdays and special occasions happened at the Strauss Family homes. Oma Trudy, Aunt Miriam and Aunt Judy would prepare a sumptuous feast that included family, incredible food, love, laughter and sharing. Yacov Baruch celebrated his Bar Mitzvah on October 23, 1993. We were all very proud of him, especially Oma Trudy. Jeff shared a special relationship with Oma over music and philosophy. He loved her very much. Jeff fell in love and married Artisha after he graduated from the Los Angeles Music Academy. They were married briefly before they realized they were too young and divorced. Jeff fell in love with Olivia while attending Metro. They had a mutual love of music and formed a band which played the Denver area. Jeff and Olivia went their separate ways after Jeff left college. Jeff and Sima began their relationship in 2008 and were blessed with Indus Sebastian Green on May 5, 2010. Jeff and Jordan worked, laughed, loved and argued with each other, but that's what brothers do. If one needed help the other was there. They took care of each other even if they didn't agree on the event or person in question. Jeff lived and breathed music. His every thought was related to music. He named his son Sebastian for Johann Sebastian Bach. He loved and respected all music forms and styles and had a library of music with him at all times. Jeff read voraciously and had books on history and people connected to music. He had great respect for his drum teacher, Steve Faulkner, and traveled to the NAM shows in Los Angeles with Steve as often as he could. Jeff loved his bandmates and his drums. I was lucky to be Jeff, Jordan, and Yael's mother. It was the best job I ever hoped to have. Jeff was my son, my friend, my comedian,and my advisor. He was the song in my heart and the music of my soul. When I took him to California to begin the Los Angeles Music Academy he went to a little shop and came back with a silver ring for me. On it was the sun, moon and stars. He said to me that he appreciated that I was always there for him, that I attended all his concerts, gigs, awards, conferences, everything that was important to him. He looked at me and said, Mom, you're my sun, my moon and my stars. In return I found a ring that was similar but made for a man and I gave it to Jeff with the same message. Now I wear both rings to keep him close to my heart. Jeff was sensitive, artistic, intelligent, insightful, caring and loving. He had a temper and was quick to anger when his hot button was pushed but cooled quickly. People that hurt him would always be forgiven and he tried very hard to make everyone happy. It bothered him greatly if he couldn't fix a problem for his friends or family. He loved his friends like family and talked about each one as treasured gifts. Jeff will be greatly missed by all who loved him, but rest assured that he is watching over us. He will be there when he is needed, as always.