Support Resources
This guide provides a list of contact information for organizations in the Denver-area that offer resources and support for individuals and families going through the grieving process. Feldman Memorial s is not recommending, suggesting or advising any specific individual or program to our families, but we do recognize the value of these local resources.
For questions, please reach out to us at Feldman Memorial.
Download the complete list of support resources here.
Loss of an Adult
These Denver-based grief resources offer counseling, comfort , and strategies for coping with the death of a spouse, sibling or parent, a friend or colleague. The loss of these adult relationships can be hard to manage, but the right support can help you find peace.
Death Café
Ford-Warren Branch Library
2825 High St.
Denver, CO 80205
Facilitated by Jamie Sarche, Director of Pre-planning
Death Café offers a place for friends and strangers to gather and discuss death with no agenda, objectives, or theme. Death Cafe meets the 2nd Thursday each month at 1:30 p.m. at the Ford-Warren Branch Library. Please check the library website to confirm schedule.
Read one attendee's experience here https://www.bareinkslinger.com/mainblog/the-death-cafe
Grief Education Program
Mental Health Association of Colorado
6795 East Tennessee Avenue, Suite 425, Denver, CO 80224
(303) 377-3040, Ext. 40
Provides referrals, counseling and support groups for those affected by death.
Caring Friends
(303) 989-5960
Support group for widows and widowers ages 20-45 and their children.
The Denver Hospice
501 S. Cherry Street
Suite 700
Denver, CO 80246
A variety of support groups for the bereaved at HMD Palliative and Windsor Gardens.
Hospice at Home (VNA) Bereavement Group
390 Grant Street, Denver, CO 80203
Support groups offered to the community.
Jewish Family Service: Grief and Counseling Support
3201 S. Tamarac Drive, Denver, CO 80231
(303) 597-5000
Contact: Counseling Center
Counseling and support groups for the Jewish Community.
Mt. Evans Hospice
3081 Bergen Peak Dr., Evergreen, CO 80439
303 674-6400
Provides individual and group support for those experiencing loss through death.
Namaste Care Group
6000 E. Evans Ave. Suite 3-111, Denver, CO 80222
The Namaste Care Group is dedicated to improving life when living is impacted by dying. A continuum of end-of-life care is accomplished through the integration of supportive intervention, pain management, hospice care, personal care providers, and bereavement services. Bereavement services include individual and group counseling, educational programs, memorial rituals and availability of supportive literature.
Parents without Partners
(303) 335-6556
Support group for widowed, divorced, separated, or unmarried parent. Social & Educational.
Porter Hospice/St. Anthony Hospice
1391 Speer Blvd, Ste 600 Denver, CO 80204
(303) 561-5100
Weekly Support groups open to the community.
The Senior Hub
2360 West 90th Avenue, Federal Heights, CO 80260
(303) 426-4408
Senior Solutions provides information and assistance for bereavement support groups in Adams County.
Widowed Persons Service of Denver (AARP)
1301 Pennsylvania Street, Suite 200, Denver, CO 80203
(303) 764-5996
Widowed Men’s Breakfast Club: 303-721-1784 or 303-756-0029
Widowed Women’s Breakfast Club: 303-755-0212
The Widowed Persons Service recognizes the need to grieve after the death of a mate. Trained widowed volunteers offer numerous helpful services to all widowed persons at no charge.

"We really appreciate the kindness, support, and understanding you’ve shown as we go through the process of grieving. We couldn't have done it without your knowledge and support." - L.A
Loss of a Partner
The Center on Colfax
1301 E. Colfax Ave., Denver, CO 80218
The Center on Colfax is a safe and welcoming place for Colorado's proud, diverse LGBTQ community. When you visit our space, you’ll be affirmed and accepted, heard and understood.
Safekeeping Counseling Services
FREE LGBTQ Support Group
4800 Wadsworth Blvd, Suite 301, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033
(720) 903-1100
Our support meetings emphasize respect for people’s experience in all types of gender variant identities.
Caring Friends
(303) 989-5960
Support group for widows and widowers ages 20-45 and their children.
Jewish Family Service: Grief and Counseling Support
3201 S. Tamarac Drive, Denver, CO 80231
(303) 597-5000
Contact: Counseling Center
Counseling and support groups for the Jewish Community.
Hospice at Home (VNA) Bereavement Group
390 Grant Street, Denver, CO 80203
Support groups offered to the community.
The Denver Hospice
501 S. Cherry Street Suite 700, Denver, CO 80246
A variety of support groups for the bereaved at HMD Palliative and Windsor Gardens.
Mt. Evans Hospice
3081 Bergen Peak Drive, Evergreen, CO 80439
303 674-6400
Provides individual and group support for those experiencing loss through death.
Namaste Care Group
6000 E. Evans Ave. Suite 3-111, Denver, CO 80222
The Namaste Care Group is dedicated to improving life when living is impacted by dying. A continuum of end-of-life care is accomplished through the integration of supportive intervention, pain management, hospice care, personal care providers, and bereavement services. Bereavement services include individual and group counseling, educational programs, memorial rituals and availability of supportive literature.

"I am blessed with your many acts of kindness! Thank you for perfection on my behalf…what pros I have been surrounded by thoughtfulness." - L
Loss from Suicide
The impact of a suicide can be devisting for those left behind, often requiring specialized counseling and support resources. Getting professional insight can help survivors to understand and manage the pain and confusion that often surrounds suicide.
2956 South Wolff Street, Denver, CO 80236
Metro Denver Chapter: 303-934-8464
South Metro Denver Chapter: 303-770-1859
West Metro Denver Chapter: 303-424-4094
Self-help group offering monthly meetings for family and friends of suicide victims.
Grief Education Program
Mental Health Association of Colorado
6795 East Tennessee Avenue, Suite 425, Denver, CO 80224
(303) 377-3040, Ext. 40
Provides referrals, counseling and support groups for those affected by death.
Rowan Tree Foundation
Parker, CO 80134
(720) 588-8693
Providing ongoing support and resources for families who are coping with the devastating loss of a much-loved child.

"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal… Love leaves a memory no one can steal. Thank you for all your help and kindness..." - B. C.
Loss of a Newborn or Child
The death of a child is unimaginable. It can be devastating, with lasting impact to the family, friends and the community itself. Yet, we know that there is a path through the pain. The services and resources listed here offer help and genuine hope for healing for mourners who have lost a child in our Denver community.
Fetal and Newborn Loss Program (Columbia Rose Medical Center)
4567 East 9th Avenue, Suite 200, Denver, CO 80220
(303) 320-2864
Rabbi Jeffrey Kaye: (303) 320-2159
Support group for grieving parents following a miscarriage, fetal death, stillbirth, or newborn death.
Angel Eyes
425 S Cherry Street, Suite 860, Denver, CO 80246
(303) 320-7771
Angel Eyes helps Colorado families cope with the sudden, unexpected death of an infant or toddler, including SIDS, SUID, SUDC, miscarriage and stillbirth loss.
Parents of Murdered Children and Other Survivors of Homicide Victims
CenturyLink Building
52nd & Zuni, Denver, CO
Meetings are held on the 3rd Saturday of each month at 7:30 PM
Providing free counseling for families who have lost an infant or toddler by an unexpected cause.
Compassionate Friends
P.O. Box 19571, Denver, CO 80219
Self-help group for parents and others who have experienced the death of a child. Support groups meet regularly.
Rowan Tree Foundation
Parker, CO 80134
(720) 588-8693
Providing ongoing support and resources for families who are coping with the devastating loss of a much-loved child.